For the past 15-20 years, there has been a continuous discussion and debate among rhinoplasty surgeons regarding which technique is best. Open rhinoplasty, by including a small incision on the tip of the nose (on the columella), allows for the skin of the nasal tip to be raised up and retracted, thereby giving the surgeon full view of the nasal tip cartilages. This can allow for more precise suturing, grafting, and overall manipulation of the tip. However, the maneuver of “opening” the tip results in increased swelling and a prolonged period of healing, in addition to the fine, usually invisible, columellar scar.
In contrast to the above, healing is more rapid and tip swelling generally less pronounced following closed rhinoplasty. While some surgeons perform all of their rhinoplasties either open or closed, Op. Dr. Ali Murat AKKUS individualizes his approach depending on the anatomy, complexity, and goals raised in each case.